Please, I would like to welcome a Follower! yes, JAFG if my first follower on blogger ! (I will keep her and love her and pet her and name her George!) Okay..I am excited , yes?But the main object of this post is to say TODAY is actually three hundred eighty five days until I am 40!The blog finally fits its name.
I did get another scale and I do like it much better.I have doubts about the fat percentage feature on it.I find the number just unbelevable.perhaps I should do research to see what a reasonable fat persentage is and extrapolate from there.You can see I am hedging can't you ? yeah.Its because I AM.The number makes me queasy and want to eat saw dust with hummus on it only for a few months.Come closer and I will whisper it to says I am almost 50% FAT! My hydration level on this scale was low about 35% so I wonder what the truth of it all is.I will keep you posted.
I should post some photos and get your input on all of this.
I walked around the building and up an incline for my lunch break and will be going to Zumba tonight before taking my sons out to dinner for the younger ones birthday.I promise to eat healthy.I bet I can find a dish that is yummy and in my guidelines.
Has anyone had experience with WW? I see all those ads and DANG Jennifer Hudson looks awesome.She does not look like she was ever related to herself! Is being responsible to many people and having a formula to follow a key? I wait for the big cosmic click of it all where I unzip this padding and step out of my former body and gush how I discovered the secret to slimness just a week ago!
I wonder if I will look older as I lose the weight.Fat is a great filler. I do not want to be a haggard looking wench but at the same time Who wants to be the wallflower feeling frumpy and unhappy?
OH BTW< I will be going back to blonde tomorrow.I have had red hair long enough and am ready to be back in familiar territory.
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